Tumbling & Acrobatics
We highly recommend having your child be evaluated before being placed in a class. Please note that we place children by skill level, not age.
Tiny Tots
This 30 minute class is designed for our little ones, with a parent, to explore their curiosities in a kid-friendly environment. In this class they will gain coordination and a basic concept of tumbling skills at a young age. No minimum skills required.
Ages: 18 months-3 years old.
Day: Monday
Time: 4:30-5:0/0 pm
Instructors: Madison Mizell
Lauren Aucoin
Emma Miller
Uniform:​ leotard or tight fitted tank top with hot shorts. Hair must be pulled back into pony tail if able.
Tumbling/Acro 1
This 45 minute class is designed for our independent and active toddlers. In this class they will gain a strong foundation of tumbling and acrobatic skills to help them thrive into the more advanced classes. No minimum skills required. Child must be potty trained.
Ages: 3- 5 years old
Day/Time: Thursday 4:30 -5:30 pm
Tumbling/Acro 2
Minimum skills required:
forward and backward roll
backbend from ground
Day: Thursday
Time: 5:30-6:30 pm
Tumbling/Acro 3
Minimum skills required:
handstand forward roll
one arm cartwheel
backbend kickover
front limber
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:30-5:30 pm

Tumbling/Acro 4
Minimum skills required:
back walkover
front walkover
front and back chest roll series
chin stand
elbow stand
one handed cartwheel on both sides
Valdez prep
aerial prep
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:30-5:30 pm

Tumbling/Acro 5
Minimum skills required:
back walkover series
front walkover series
handstand balances
chin stand
front & back chest rolls series
side aerial
front & back handsprings
front aerial prep
all splits
Day: Wednesday
Times: 5:30-6:30 pm
Tumbling / Acro 6:
Minimum skills required:
front and back walkover series
front and back chest roll series
front and back arabian series
side aerial
front aerial
chin stand
elbow stand
headspring/kip up
Day: Wednesday
Time: 5:30-6:30 pm