Important Dates at ATOC: 2024-2025 Season
July 27th - Open House 11:00 AM-1:00 PM * New attire ready for purchase*
August 1st - Office Open for New Attire Purchase
- Auto Pay Withdrawal for Tuition
August 6th -Office Open for New Attire Purchase
August 8th - First Day of New Season
September 2nd - NO CLASSES (Labor Day)
September 9th -12th - Grandparent's Week
September 15th - Nutcracker Auditions
September 16th - Auto Pay Withdrawal for Tuition
October 7th -12th - 'PINK OUT WEEK' Dancers Against Cancer Fundraiser
October15th - Auto Pay Ballet Costume
- Jazz Costume Charged
October 24th - 30th - Halloween Costume Dress Up
October 31st - Happy Halloween (NO DANCE)
November 1st - Auto Pay Withdrawal for Tuition
November 15th - Costume Deposit- Auto Pay Tap and/or Hip Hop Costume
November 16th - Turkey Fundraiser Begins
November 26th - Clara & the Nutcracker One Day Camp
November 25th -30th - NO CLASSES (Thanksgiving Holidays)
December 1st - Auto Pay Withdrawal for Tuition
December 9th -11th - Hammond Ballet's "The Nutcracker" Performances
December 15th - Auto Pay any Additional Costume Fees
December 23rd -January 3rd - NO CLASSES (Christmas Break)
January 1st- Auto Pay Withdrawal for Tuition
January 3rd - Winter Wonderland Camp
January 8th - Classes resume for Spring semester
February 1st - Auto Pay Withdrawal for Tuition
February TBA - Ad Contest Ends
March 1st - Auto Pay Withdrawal for Tuition
March 3rd -7th - NO CLASSES (Mardi Gras Break)
March TBA - Cover girl/ Seniors
March TBA - Celebrate 5 year and 10 plus year dancers
March TBA - Pictures
April 1st - Auto Pay Withdrawal for Tuition
April 11th- 13th - Strawberry Festival
April 21st- 25th - NO CLASSES (Spring Break)
May 1st - Auto Pay Withdrawal for Tuition
May TBA - 38th Annual Recital
July 26 - Open House 11am - 2 pm